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Stand Up Guy

March 18, 2010

Has political discourse in the Congress deteriorated to new lows in our fractious time?  Are the brickbats Republicans are throwing across the aisle at Democratic leaders worse than the severe caning meted out by Rep. Preston Brooks, SC in 1856 to Massachussets Rep. Charles Sumner?  Probably not. But there’s something depressing and creepy about the coarse behavior we’re coming to take for granted these days.

So I was pleased to see Mass. Democrat Barney Frank take issue with recent comments by Ohio Republican (and potential Speaker of the House) John Boehner this week.  Boehner was quoted derogating congressional staffers involved in the financial services reform legislation as “punk staffers.”  Frank took umbrage and fired off a literate, thoughtful and scolding letter.

Bravo, Barney.  Real leaders don’t belittle the folks that are doing the hard work.  They stand up for them as Barney did.


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